Here is a summary of the changes that were released since May 8, 2024. Up to this date, we have been notifying users about changes in our Telegram Channel, but from now on, we will also post them in monthly updates on the website.
- New ETF data: composition, profile, risk, and more!
- Introduced FIGI code identifiers across all the markets. You can now see them in response to reference data and add them to the request to extract prices.
- We started rolling out ISIN identifiers for selected instruments and markets in beta.
- Added mic_code in the response of /funds and /bonds.
- Introduced new endpoint /instrument_type to help with mapping of the responses.
- Added a new extensive /countries endpoint, also to facilitate mapping.
- New /exchange_schedule endpoint that returns official times of when the markets are open and closed.
- Commodities endpoint has finally arrived.
- Another new endpoint /cross_listings, that shows on which other exchanges the company traded.
- Lightweight method to extract option prices, given you know the option ID.
- New endpoint with dividends calendar.
- Introduced significant improvements in the precision of crypto prices.
- WebSocket streaming is now available for energy commodities.
- Added companies' gross margins to the /statistics.
- Increased coverage of NAV, net assets, expense ratio, and allocation per country for European ETFs.
- Added favicon in the API responses.
- Added crypto, forex, and commodities support in the market state endpoint.
- Feature to query by date in the /eod method.
- More currency conversions were added.
- More helpful information about the instrument was added to the Overview tab in the portal.
- Enhanced mobile view of the portal.
- New pages for startups and students. Let us know if you qualify as one!
- A detailed page with fundamentals data offerings.
- Enhancements in the UX of the blog.
- New pages with all available markets and detailed info for each of them.
- A new column with an invoice date in Billing.
- Enhanced search to return more popular symbols first.
- Visual improvements to request builder.
- Fixed an issue with downloading invoices in Safari.
- Commodities moved to the Grow plan from the Basic.