Masterfully research company financials with Twelve Data's fundamentals dataset, offering global coverage from developed to emerging markets. Access current financial performance along with historical data from the 1980s-90s, sourced from Income Statements, Balance Sheets, Cash Flow Statements, Operating Metrics, and more.
Returns general information about the company.
Returns the amount of dividends paid out for the last 10+ years.
Returns the date and the split factor of shares of the company for the last 10+ years.
This endpoint returns past, today, or upcoming IPOs.
This API method returns split data as a calendar for a given date range. To call custom period, use start_date and end_date parameters.
This API method returns dividend data as a calendar for a given date range. To call custom period, use start_date and end_date parameters.
This API call returns earnings data for a given company, including EPS estimate and EPS actual. Earnings are available for complete company history.
This API method returns earning data as a calendar for a given date range. By default today’s earning is returned. To call custom period, use start_date and end_date parameters.
Returns a listing of all available options contracts for given security. It shows all listed puts, calls, their expiration, strike prices, and pricing information for a single underlying asset within a given maturity period.
Summary of assets, liabilities, and shareholders’ equity.
Returns complete cash flow of a company showing the net amount of cash and cash equivalents being transferred into and out of business.
Return the expiration dates of an option contract.
Returns complete income statement of a company and shows the company’s revenues and expenses during a period (annual or quarter).
Returns current overview of company’s main statistics including valuation metrics and financials.
Returns trading information performed by insiders.
Returns individuals at the highest level of management of an organization.
Returns the amount of the company’s available stock owned by institutions (pension funds, insurance companies, investment firms, private foundations, endowments, or other large entities that manage funds on behalf of others).
Returns the amount of the company’s available stock owned by mutual fund holders.
Returns the amount of the stocks owned directly and recorded in the company's share registry.
Rows of data
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